Joie de Vivre By-Laws
(As Adopted on October 27, 2018)
The following articles outline the bylaws relating to the transaction of membership and business affairs of the Joie de Vivre Choir of Winnipeg, Manitoba:
Article 1: Name
The group shall be called the Joie de Vivre Choir of Winnipeg, hereinafter referred to as Joie de Vivre.
Article 2: Mandate
The mandate of Joie de Vivre is:
a. To promote and enhance public interest in and appreciation of choral music;
b. To foster goodwill and community spirit through musical performances to various audiences at community
c. To maintain excellence in training and performance through a diversified repertoire encompassing classical,
sacred, folk, popular and contemporary music.
Article 3: Membership
Membership shall be open to any member of the community who loves to sing and who agrees to support the mandate of the choir.
Membership is maintained by payment of the annual prescribed fee as established by the Board of Directors.
The membership fee is payable at the beginning of the choral season.
Membership fee gives full membership rights, including voting and eligibility for the Board of Directors positions.
Article 4: Board of Directors and Officers
The choir shall be governed by a Board of Directors, which includes the Executive Officers and Members-At-Large. The Executive Officers shall be the President, Past President, Secretary, and Treasurer. The Board Shall meet at the call of the President.
The election of Officers and Members-at-Large shall take place at the Annual General Meeting.
The term of office shall be for a two year period. At the outset, the terms shall begin and end in alternate years to ensure continuity.
No person may serve more than two consecutive terms in any office.
Article 5: Annual General meeting and Quorum
An Annual General Meeting (AGM) shall be held yearly in the fall, the date to be determined by the Executive. A quorum for the transaction of business at the AGM shall be 30 (thirty) percent of the eligible members.
Article 5.1
At the Annual General meeting the following business shall occur:
a. Adoption of minutes from previous Annual General Meeting
b. Report by the President
c. Financial report by the Treasurer
d. Reports by the Musical Director and the Librarian
e. Electing the Members of the Board of Directors and the Executive
f. Other business that is either specified in the meeting notice, or that arises.
Article 6: Duties of Officers
The President shall preside at all meetings fo the Board and shall be a signing officer for all official documents. The President shall be the liaison between the Board of Directors and the Music Director, the Librarian, and the Accompanist.
The Past President shall, in the absence of the President, carry out the duties of the President.
The Secretary shall record the minutes of all meetings, maintain up-to-date membership lists and be a signing officer for all official documents.
The Treasurer shall collect and keep official financial records of the choir; receive, record and distribute all income as authorized by the Executive Officers; be a signing officer for all official documents.
Article 7: Meetings of the Board of Directors
The Board of Directors shall meet at least 2 (two) times per year. Quorum shall be 50 (fifty) percent plus one.
Article 8: Fiscal Year
The fiscal year shall be September 1 to August 31.
Article 9: Signing Authority
The signing officers shall be the President, Secretary, and Treasurer. All cheques must be signed by two our of the three signing officers.
Article 10: Standing Committees
Standing Committees shall be:
a. Nominating
b. Social
Article 10.1 Nominations and Elections
The nominations and Elections Committee shall consist of at least three choir members who are not running for office, one of whom shall be the Past President who shall act as the Chair. All members are eligible for election to positions on the Executive Committee or Members-at-Large.
Article 10.2 Social Committee
Members of the Social Committee shall make the necessary arrangements for all social functions of the choir.
Article 10.3 Other Committees
The Executive may strike a committee for a specific purpose when necessary.
Article 11: Music Director
A Music Director shall be appointed by the Board of Directors and shall receive an Honorarium, the amount of which shall be determined by the Board of Directors.
Article 12: Accompanist
An Accompanist shall be appointed by the Board of Directors and shall receive an Honorarium, the amount of which shall be determined by the Board of Directors.
Article 13: Librarian
The Board of Directors shall appoint a Librarian, whose duties shall include maintaining the music library and distributing and collecting music from choir members. In exchange for his/her work, the librarian shall not pay a membership fee.
Article 14: Amendments
These bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the membership present and voting at the AGM, provided a copy of the proposed change has been circulated to all members at least 2 weeks before the vote.
Article 15: Dissolution
If Joie de Vivre is dissolved, any funds or assets remaining after paying all the debts are to be paid to a non-profit organization as determined by the Members.
Members shall select the organization to receive the assets by special resolution. In no event do any Members receive any assets of Joie de Vivre.